Sir James Smith's Community School

Medical Care & Information

Trained members of the support staff help care for sick students and administer first aid when required. Should a student be taken ill or be involved in an accident at school, parents will be informed immediately and advised on the appropriate course of action. If a student is thought to be too ill to remain in school, we will ask you to collect them. For this reason it is important that we are kept up to date with emergency contact details and any changes in your child's health. If your details have changed then please contact us.

Concussion Injury

Following a tragic accident involving a boy of school age in Northern Ireland and recent advice from medical experts, I have decided to write to parents/carers to highlight the need for you to keep all organisations informed if your child receives a concussion injury outside of school. Please read the letter here.

The leaflet ‘Recognise and Remove’, provides guidance on the signs to look out for. Please find the leaflet here.

Skin Painting

Be careful, henna painting may result in nasty discomfort and even worse.

If you see a shop or stall offering to paint black tattoos onto your skin, don’t be tempted to get one. It could leave you scarred for life and put you at risk of a life-threatening allergic reaction. Often called "black henna" or "neutral henna" tattoos; these patterns painted onto your skin are readily available abroad. They may also be available in the UK, at festivals and fairs, and to buy online. But the black paste used in these temporary tattoos may contain high levels of a chemical dye so powerful and toxic that it is illegal to use it on the skin in this way.

The risks of black henna lie in the paste’s ingredients – specifically, a chemical called paraphenylenediamine (PPD). To find out more click on the link below:

Further support for parents/carers and students

Coronavirus information

Meningitis information– information on a wide range of mental health difficulties and telephone support for parents/carers

Self help guides for young people with a range of emotional/mental health difficulties

Information about ADHD for parents/carers

Information and fact sheets re self-harm

Sexual health and advice